

俞文健大约 5 分钟





  • 插入与删除效率低:当数组元素较多时,插入与删除操作需要移动大量元素。

  • 如果插入元素后超出数组长度范围,会造成元素丢失;而删除元素会造成部分内存空间浪费。

  • 数组的长度是不可变的,如果要扩容数组,需要建立一个更大的数组,把原数组元素依次复制到新数组。

  • 数组的存储空间是连续的,当数组较大时,如果空间碎片较多,内存可能无法提供足够大的连续空间。

class ArrayList extends Array {
  array: number[]
  constructor(array: number[]) {
    this.array = array
  // 冒泡排序
  bubbleSort() {
    // ...
  // 选择排序
  selectionSort() {
    // ...
  // 插入排序
  insertionSort() {
    // ...
  // 快速排序
  quickSort() {
    // ...
  // 希尔排序
  shellSort() {


链表是一种线性数据结构,链表的每个元素都是一个节点对象,各节点通过 “指针” 连接,指针指向下一个节点的内存地址,通过指针可以访问下一个节点。在链表中插入与删除节点非常方便,只需要改变指针的指向即可,所以链表插入与删除元素的效率非常高。链表的元素节点被分散存储在内存空间中,它们的内存地址无须连续,所以不用担心空间碎片的问题。



  • 访问效率低:链表需要从头节点开始,向后遍历,直到找到目标节点。

  • 占用内存大:链表除了需要存储节点值,还要存储节点指针。如果节点数据越多,指针的内存影响就越小。

class LinkedNode<T> {
  val: T
  next: LinkedNode<T> | null
  constructor(val: T) {
    this.val = val
    this.next = null

class LinkedList<T> {
  head: LinkedNode<T> | null
  size: number
  constructor(val?: T) {
    this.head = null
    this.size = 0
    if (val) {
   * 向链表尾部添加节点
   * @param val - 节点值
  append(val: T) {
    const node = new LinkedNode(val)
    if (!this.head) {
      this.head = node
    else {
      let current = this.head
      while (current.next) {
        current = current.next
      current.next = node
   * 插入节点
   * @param index - 索引值
   * @param val - 节点值
  insert(index: number, val: T) {
    if (index < 0 || index > this.size) throw new Error("out of range")
    const node = new LinkedNode(val)
    if (index === 0) {
      node.next = this.head
      this.head = node
    else {
      let current = this.head
      let prev: LinkedNode<T> | null = null
      for (let i = 0; i < index; i++) {
        prev = current
        current = current!.next
      prev!.next = node
      node.next = current
   * 查找对应索引的节点
   * @param index - 索引值
  find(index: number) {
    if (index < 0 || index > this.size) throw new Error("out of range")
    let current = this.head
    for (let i = 0; i < index; i++) {
      current = current!.next
    return current
   * 修改对应索引的节点值
   * @param index - 索引值
   * @param val - 节点值
  update(index: number, val: T) {
    const node = this.find(index)
    node!.val = val
   * 移除对应索引的节点
   * @param index - 索引值
  remove(index: number) {
    if (index < 0 || index >= this.size) throw new Error("out of range")
    let current = this.head
    let prev: LinkedNode<T> | null = null
    if (index === 0) {
      this.head = current!.next
      current = null
    else {
      for (let i = 0; i < index; i++) {
        prev = current
        current = current!.next
      prev!.next = current!.next
      current = null
   * 遍历链表
  each(callback: (val: T, index: number) => void) {
    let current = this.head
    let index = 0
    callback(current!.val, index++)
    while (current!.next) {
      current = current!.next
      callback(current.val, index++)



class LinkedNode<T> {
  val: T
  prev: LinkedNode<T> | null
  next: LinkedNode<T> | null
  constructor(val: T) {
    this.val = val
    this.prev = null
    this.next = null

class DoubleLinkedList<T> {
  head: LinkedNode<T> | null
  tail: LinkedNode<T> | null
  size: number
  constructor(val?: T) {
    this.head = null
    this.tail = null
    this.size = 0
    if (val) {
   * 向链表尾部添加节点
   * @param val - 节点值
  append(val: T) {
    const node = new LinkedNode(val)
    if (!this.head) {
      this.head = node
      this.tail = node
    else {
      this.tail!.next = node
      node.prev = this.tail
      this.tail = node
   * 插入节点
   * @param index - 索引值
   * @param val - 节点值
  insert(index: number, val: T) {
    if (index < 0 || index > this.size) throw new Error("out of range")
    const node = new LinkedNode(val)
    if (this.size === 0) {
      this.head = node
      this.tail = node
    else {
      if (index === 0) {
        this.head!.prev = node
        node.next = this.head
        this.head = node
      else if (index === this.size) {
        this.tail!.next = node
        node.prev = this.tail
        this.tail = node
      else {
        let current = this.head
        for (let i = 0; i < index; i++) {
          current = current!.next
        node.prev = current!.prev
        node.next = current
        current!.prev!.next = node
        current!.prev = node
   * 查找对应索引的节点
   * @param index - 索引值
  find(index: number) {
    if (index < 0 || index > this.size) throw new Error("out of range")
    // 从前往后
    if (this.size / 2 > index) {
      let current = this.head
      for (let i = 0; i < index; i++) {
        current = current!.next
      return current
    // 从后往前
    else {
      let current = this.tail
      for (let i = this.size - 1; i > index; i--) {
        current = current!.prev
      return current
   * 修改对应索引的节点值
   * @param index - 索引值
   * @param val - 节点值
  update(index: number, val: T) {
    const node = this.find(index)
    node!.val = val
   * 移除对应索引的节点
   * @param index - 索引值
  remove(index: number) {
    if (index < 0 || index >= this.size) throw new Error("out of range")
    let current = this.head
    if (this.size === 1) {
      this.head = null
      this.tail = null
    else {
      if (index === 0) {
        this.head!.next!.prev = null
        this.head = this.head!.next
      else if (index === this.size - 1) {
        current = this.tail
        this.tail!.prev!.next = null
        this.tail = this.tail!.prev
      else {
        for (let i = 0; i < index; i++) {
          current = current!.next
        current!.prev!.next = current!.next
        current!.next!.prev = current!.prev
    return current!.val
   * 遍历链表
  each(callback: (val: T, index: number) => void) {
    let current = this.head
    let index = 0
    callback(current!.val, index++)
    while (current!.next) {
      current = current!.next
      callback(current.val, index++)